Binary Formats

In order to preserve some compactness in dump files and network transmissions, the binary formats need to retain their native compression. All binary formats are hex-encoded before output.

The point and patch binary formats start with a common header, which provides:

  • endianness flag, to allow portability between architectures

  • pcid number, to look up the schema information in the pointcloud_formats table

The patch binary formats have additional standard header information:

  • the compression number, which indicates how to interpret the data

  • the number of points in the patch

Point Binary

byte:     endianness (1 = NDR, 0 = XDR)
uint32:   pcid (key to POINTCLOUD_SCHEMAS)
uchar[]:  pointdata (interpret relative to pcid)

Patch Binary


byte:         endianness (1 = NDR, 0 = XDR)
uint32:       pcid (key to POINTCLOUD_SCHEMAS)
uint32:       0 = no compression
uint32:       npoints
pointdata[]:  interpret relative to pcid


byte:          endianness (1 = NDR, 0 = XDR)
uint32:        pcid (key to POINTCLOUD_SCHEMAS)
uint32:        2 = dimensional compression
uint32:        npoints
dimensions[]:  dimensionally compressed data for each dimension

Each compressed dimension starts with a byte, that gives the compression type, and then a uint32 that gives the size of the segment in bytes.

byte:           dimensional compression type (0-3)
uint32:         size of the compressed dimension in bytes
data[]:         the compressed dimensional values

There are four possible compression types used in dimensional compression:

  • no compression = 0,

  • run-length compression = 1,

  • significant bits removal = 2,

  • deflate = 3

No dimension compress

For dimensional compression 0 (no compression) the values just appear in order. The length of words in this dimension must be determined from the schema document.


Run-length compress dimension

For run-length compression, the data stream consists of a set of pairs: a byte value indicating the length of the run, and a data value indicating the value that is repeated.

byte:          number of times the word repeats
word:          value of the word being repeated
....           repeated for the number of runs

The length of words in this dimension must be determined from the schema document.

Significant bits removal on dimension

Significant bits removal starts with two words. The first word just gives the number of bits that are “significant”, that is the number of bits left after the common bits are removed from any given word. The second word is a bitmask of the common bits, with the final, variable bits zeroed out.

word1:          number of variable bits in this dimension
word2:          the bits that are shared by every word in this dimension
data[]:         variable bits packed into a data buffer

Deflate dimension

Where simple compression schemes fail, general purpose compression is applied to the dimension using zlib. The data area is a raw zlib buffer suitable for passing directly to the inflate() function. The size of the input buffer is given in the common dimension header. The size of the output buffer can be derived from the patch metadata by multiplying the dimension word size by the number of points in the patch.


byte:          endianness (1 = NDR, 0 = XDR)
uint32:        pcid (key to POINTCLOUD_SCHEMAS)
uint32:        2 = LAZ compression
uint32:        npoints
uint32:        LAZ data size
data[]:        LAZ data

Use laz-perf library to read the LAZ data buffer out into a LAZ buffer.